Dealer Spotlight

The value of independent kitchen and bath dealers

Showplace Cabinetry is not sold in any "big box" home centers or discount buying clubs. Showplace Cabinetry is available only through independently owned and operated kitchen and bath dealerships. Why? Because Showplace respects the value of the independent cabinetry dealer.

Here are a few of the reasons:

FOCUS: Independent dealers do one thing and do it well. They aren't distracted and resources aren't redirected to support "seasonal sales" of unrelated products. They understand there is value in being experts in the field of kitchens and baths.

COMMITMENT: We respect the commitment that independent kitchen and bath dealers make to growing their business and the passion they demonstrate every day.

DEDICATION: Success doesn't just happen and independent dealers know that to be successful they must be dedicated to growing their business and pleasing their customers.

REPUTATION: Independent dealers know that a good reputation is vital and is built one happy customer at a time. The independent relies on your satisfaction and if you are pleased, you will tell others and business will grow.

EXPERTISE: Independent dealers must stay current and keep their skills sharp. Their continuing education and awareness of changing products and trends never ends and their clients benefit.

FOLLOW-THROUGH: Independent dealers know the value of excellent customer service; follow-through and follow-up are integral to their business.

ATTENTION TO DETAIL: Independent dealers are known for being meticulous and thorough, preventing problems before they happen.

INVESTMENT: We understand that independent dealers are entrepreneurs who make significant investments in their businesses, both financially and personally. Their business demands it.

These are just a few of the reasons why Showplace supports the independent, and why we believe the value they provide is worth your support as well. Your home and your peace of mind are worth inviting their expertise into YOUR project.

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